Monday, June 28, 2010

Stories of Hope

That's really what this is about, right?
Hope.  Faith.  Perserverance.
(Sorry, no funny stories about me scaring myself to death on the bike today.)

It is amazing and humbling, the journey I have embarked upon. 
I am so over committed, it's almost funny.
When I think about the challenge I have taken on, I wonder what the heck I was thinking about when I signed that dotted line.
And then, I get a story e-mailed to me like this one.  It tells the amazing story of my co-worker's brother, Scott Dameron, and his battles; first with lymphoma, then with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.  It turns out that her son is also battling cancer. 
So are several co-workers' fathers.
Then I found out about someone else's sister, and cousin, and friend...

Just about everyone in my Training group has a similar story.  Some race in honor (or memory) of the same person every time, others have a list of honored heros a mile long.  My coach dedicates every mile of her races to a different hero.
Some of us just joined the Team in order to meet a new personal challenge, and to have someone coach you through it.  Others join because their race of choice is sold out, and racing with Team in Training is the only way to get in.

It doesn't really matter, though.  We're all racing for a cure.

I have met half of my fundraising goal, but still have a way to go.  We have several fundraisers planned at my office, so the next few weeks are going to be full of bake sales, pizza parties, and a pancake breakfast.  Hopefully that gets us where we need to be, financially speaking.

This weekend, we start our open water swim (yay!).  I have been saying all along that I should have no problems with that - and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'm not all talk!

This weekend, I dedicate to my Dad.  He would have been 66 on Sunday (July 4th).  Hopefully he'll put a word in with the Man Upstairs for good weather, flat seas, and empty roads as I swim, bike, and run my way around Palm Beach County.

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