Monday, July 12, 2010

July, Part one

Yes, I know, it's been quite some time since I've checked in.  I don't know why I can't manage to keep more up to date with this blogging thing - I really do have lots to tell you all!
I'll start with July 4th weekend...
As you may remember, this was a big weekend for me.  Our first ocean swim as a team, and the 4th is (was?) my Dad's birthday.  I knew this would be a big weekend, both physically and emotionally. 
In any case, we met at Lake Worth Beach (coincidentally, my folks' favorite beach) bright and early on Saturday the 3rd.  We even found parking!
After an inspirational message and some swimming tips from Coach Lisa, we were ready to hit the water.  It looked pretty good to me - nice rolling waves, and crystal clear visibility.  Some of our team mates started to get a little nervous, but Lisa had brought along lots of help in the way of extra coaches and experienced triathletes to act as lifeguards.  The idea was to swim out to the first bouy (about 200 yds from shore), swim along the shoreline to the next one (maybe 300 yds away), and back to shore. 
It... Was... Great!!
I finally felt like a natural at something.  The ocean really is my home.  I still don't know how I can possibly get seasick on top of the ocean, when I feel so good anytime I'm in or under the water. 
I got to the beach, and looked around for everyone, and realized that most of the team was still swimming.  How about that?  I finished in the first wave of something, finally!
We repeated the swim out, swim down, swim back pattern three more times, and by the end most of the team had shaken off their fears of drowning, sharks, jellyfish, or whatever was getting in their way and we more or less all finished at the same time.  It felt so good, and I am getting very excited about the actual race.  After the swim, we all went to John G's for breakfast, where we proceeded to eat them out of inventory.  Not really, but we were very hungry!  We talked about a fundraising bowl-a thon and some other ideas.  They all sound like fun to me!

Sunday was the bike ride, and the weather looked bad - thunderstorms were forecast all day.  I mentioned in my last blog that I was going to ask my Dad to help us out with the weather, and he sure did!  It stopped raining shortly before we got to Boynton Beach (our starting point).  During the ride, it was cloudy, but never rained - the sun never came out either - perfect weather for a 30 mile bike ride in July!  Thanks, Dad!
I have overcome most of my fears on the bike, and at the urging of my friends, have stopped making fun of myself - I mostly do it for laughs, but you know that, right?
I do have one very funny story, though...
Because it was a Sunday, Ray and Isabella were going to church at 10:00.  I knew I wouldn't make it, but helped Isabella pick out a blue dress and I told her she could wear a temporary tattoo (a glittery American flag) to church since it was the 4th (and Papa Jim's birthday).  All her clothes (and her tattoos) were laid out neatly on her dresser the night before.
I left for the ride, knowing that they were all set to go, but sort of wishing I could go too.
During our bike ride, we seperated into two groups - 1) The faster, more experienced group and 2) The less fast group.  Actually we were three groups: I started in group 1, but quickly dropped into group 1a) The wants to be faster, but can't quite keep up at 20 mph group. 
I was holding steady between 17 and 18 mph, not really minding being alone, enjoying my workout.  Coach Lisa stayed with me most of the way, which was very nice.  We turned around somewhere on Palm Beach, and as we were headed back, my phone started to ring. Normally I would ignore my phone, but the ringtone told me it was Ray.  I got concerned, because he knew I had a long ride planned, and would only call in an emergency.  I yelled ahead to Lisa and told her I had to answer my phone.  I pulled off the road and answered.
Me: (expecting Ray) "Hi, what's wrong?"
Bella: (sniff) "Mommy?!"
Me: "Isabella, what's the matter?"
Bella: (sob) "I need another flag tattoo!"
Me: (silently counting to 10)
Bella: "Mommy?"
Me: "Yes, Isabella, I'm here.  I'm in the middle of a very long bike ride. This isn't really an emergency.  Why did you call me?"
Bella: (more sobbing) "I wrecked it!"
Me: "You wrecked what?
Bella: "My tattoo!  I need another one!"
Me: (trying not to lose my temper) "Oh, honey, you wrecked your tattoo?  Where's Daddy?"
Bella: "He's in the bathroom!" (continued sobbing)
Me: (counting to 10, again) "Please put Daddy on the phone."
Now, the whole time, I could only imagine what was going through Lisa's mind.  Probaly something along the lines of, Who lets a five year old have a cell phone and get a tattoo?
In the meantime, Isabella barges into the bathroom and sobbing loudly, gives the phone to Ray.
(Now, there's a visual you didn't need!)
Ray: "Hello?"
Me: "What is going on?"
Ray: "I don't know, I was getting in the shower.  Why is she crying?"

And to think I was so happy when she learned my cell phone number...
Ever the Superhero, Ray managed to save the day (and the tattoo), and off to church they went.
Crisis resolved, I now had to convince my legs that they were not finished, and still had ten miles left to bike.  My legs disagreed, but eventually I won that battle.
As we pulled into the parking lot, the fast people were waiting for us, and of course I had to tell them why we were late.  Much merriment ensued (at my expense).
Lesson learned: cell phones and tattoos are not for five-year-olds.
More stories to come... As soon as find the time to blog again!

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