Saturday, June 19, 2010

Breakthrough! (and a Happy Father's Day message)

I am feeling good, people!  That's right!  Here's me doing my happy dance!
It's been a while since my last update, so I am sorry for the one of you who is following my blog, and the rest of you who may be secretly following my blog, but not putting your names down (is that stalking?).

Anyway, I think I can finally ride a bike!  I know you are probably tired of hearing me complain about something that we have all been able to do since grade school.  Well, all I have to say to that is: Pthbbbth!
I have come to terms with the skinny, wobbly tires, and the shifting gears, and the cars (and all the other riders) whizzing past me.

This girl has finally learned to ride a bike! 

Please do not confuse me with Lance Armstrong, or even any of those semi-professionals with their aerodynamic helmets and their integrated hydration systems, and their shoes attached to the bike, going the same speed as the cars on A1A... No, no, no, not even close!
Last Sunday I rode 28 miles with the team and did NOT FINISH LAST!  I also did not collapse into bed when I finished.
On Thursday I rode 17 miles with a friend, and we averaged 18 mph.  I also (and this is huge) managed to get a drink from my water bottle while my bike was in motion!  Previously I was only able to drink when I was at a stoplight. 
I am actually looking forward to Sunday's ride.
For the first time, I think I am really going to be able to do this! Yay, me!
(Or, as my TNT webpage says, GO LEANNE!)
I think I am done bragging for now.
oh, wait, one more... I swam a mile this morning!  A real mile - not just I swam so many laps, I must have done a mile, mile.  A whole mile! Actually, I went a little further (1800 yds).
Now I'm sure I can do this!

My fundraising is going really well, better than I expected, actually.  I'm up to 41% of my goal - that's HUGE!  I sent out my letters to everyone in my address book, and I also sent them to my neighbors, and the area businesses we go to most.  Our favorite sushi restaurant sent me a nice big check the very next day (we eat there a lot)! 
Like my Dad used to say, "If you don't ask, you don't get." 
I asked, and so many of you have responded - thank you!

Speaking of Dad, it is Father's Day weekend. 
I miss my Dad all the time, but especially on days like today.  They probably don't celebrate Father's Day in heaven - it might get a bit confusing.  Or, maybe everyone just signs a card for God, and they leave it at that.

Anyway, to all the Dads that are here on Earth, Happy Father's Day!

And now, I have to give a shout out to my hubby, and his awesome feats of Fatherhood (I hope I don't embarrass him too much).
Last week he was in some airport, somewhere, as usual.  Isabella and I were driving home from the Marlins baseball game and she wanted to call her Daddy to tell him about the game and how much she missed him.  He was in the Admiral's Club, which is basically a VIP business travelers club with lots of big comfy chairs, desks, dataports, big screen TVs, a bar or two... you get the picture.  It's more or less a quiet, relaxing place for business travelers.
Isabella was telling Ray about her day and you could tell he was trying to keep his voice down, but she kept asking him to talk louder (which he did).  Then, at the end of the call, she blew him several loud kisses into the phone, and then requested hers back from him.  As I was driving, I was picturing my big, strong, handsome husband blowing loud, wet, mushy kisses into his cellphone in the middle of the Admirals Club, and I couldn't help but giggle and wonder how he was going to get out of that. 
Guess what?
He didn't even try to get out of it, but complied with her request. 
I could hear those kisses all the way in the front seat.
That's love.
Happy Father's Day, Ray - you are the best!
I know that I couldn't complete this training if you (and my mom) weren't willing to take up the slack at home.
Thank you


  1. Love this post Leanne! Keep up the good work. Everything you have done in your life, you approach it with pure determination, and always manage to go above and beyond! Love you!

  2. Like I tell you all the time you are amazing!! You always were. So proud of you. Been watching you juggling an almost six year old, house, job, husband and training all this time. I know you will persevere. You will conquer!!! I love you!!
