Tuesday, May 25, 2010

You're doing what?!?

I know, I know...

Why did I agree to this?

An olympic distance triathlon in September, in Washington, DC is probably not the best choice for my first one.

(Just so you know... that's a 1-mile swim, a 25-mile bike, and a 6.2-mile run)

Yes, all on the same day.

And, I have to raise money for charity in order to participate.

I'm probably insane.

I don't have time for this.

I can't possibly raise that much money.

Like I don't have enough on my plate already?

Oh yeah? Watch me!

I am going to do it! I have already signed on the dotted line and started training.
By my calculations, I have almost 4 months to get ready. Piece of cake. Why am I doing this, you ask?
Well, it's simple, really. I'm doing it because I can. I have my health, which is so much more than so many others can say. I am lucky enough to have the support of my Mom and my husband who tolerate my obsessive need to take every spare moment I have and fill them with running and swimming and biking (let's not forget cleaning, and cooking and homework and laundry - okay, forget the last one). I'm also doing it because it is the right thing to do. Raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through Team in Training is something that I have always thought about, but never quite imagined I would have the nerve to do. And then a few years ago, my dad had his final heart attack, and less than a year later, my aunt lost her battle with ovarian cancer. I have watched several friends fight breast cancer and leukemia, and I have decided that Enough is Enough! Life is too short to wait for the right moment.
I'm doing this.
I invite you on my journey.

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