Sunday, January 23, 2011

Here we go again!

Yup... I've committed myself to another event with Team in Training.
(Is that a collective groan, and slamming shut of checkbooks and wallets everywhere that I hear?)
This time I am participating in a century ride.  In case you were wondering, that is a 100 mile bike ride (yes, all in one day). 
This one is called "America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride" and takes place around Lake Tahoe.
I do realize that Lake Tahoe is in the mountains.  And, yes, I also realize that it will be cold.
Yes, I will be training for this in S. Florida.
(there are no hills here)
I must remember to check the elevation of the ride - how much oxygen is in the air up there?
I'm a sea level kind of girl.

Well, this is all about challenging myself, right?
If you followed my adventures while I trained for my last event with the Team, you know that I was a little, well, challenged on the bike.  Maybe pathetic is more like it.  But, I stuck with it and perservered.  I did not crash (many did), I refused to fall, and even when my bike computer (speedometer) quit working at mile 9, I kept on pushing.  I finished strong and with a smile.  I did not set any course records, and I was passed by many while I was out there, but I did it.
More importantly, with your help, I raised over $4500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!
Money that was used to fund cancer treatments, research, patient education and support, and to bring us one step closer to a cure.  How awesome is that?

And, that's why I'm doing it again.
Because every four minutes, someone new is diagnosed with a blood cancer, and every 10 minutes someone loses their battle with leukemia, lymphoma, or myleoma. 

And, despite my issues on (and with) the bike, I CAN do this.  And I am going to do it for those who can't.

We had our first training ride on Saturday, and it was a humbling event.  Our cycle team is made up (so far) of half alumni and half newbies.  The alumni (me included) have decided to really challenge ourselves on the bike and form an "elite" bike team.  This team is committed to maintaining at least 18 mph on the bike for the entire ride.  We all met in Jupiter on Saturday morning, shivering in the sub-60 degree weather.  Go ahead northerners, scoff away!  We were chilly! 
The ride was cold, fast, fun, exhausting, and yes, humbling.  My coach told me that I was "white knuckling" the whole ride (duh).  I told him to ask Coach Lisa how far I have come.
I found out that I cannot average 18 mph on the bike, despite my best efforts - even on the flat surface of A1A.
I cannot do this... yet.
But I will.
Come along with me.

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